The Conservative History Group wants to publish the next issue of the Conservative History Journal at the end of November. So, here is your chance to contribute an article on any aspect of conservative history - not just the party or the politicians but other topics; not just in Britain but in other countries. The glory of being a published author awaits you.
The Royal Family vs "The Crown" is Out Now
1 week ago
Hmm, an article on Balfour as First Lord of the Admiralty could be in order ...
Are you offering, Simon?
When would the deadline be? For once I have all my sources to hand, so am in a good position to knock off, say, a couple of thousand words on the subject in a week. My understanding is the last (only?) article on Balfour was a rather poor one in a Canadian academic journal in 1943, and that covered Carson as well!
Can you manage a couple of thousand words by the end of September. That would be grand.
That's great; means I can have a look through the Balfour Papers at the British Library when I'm next there. May find something amazing and new. (I wish ...)
I take it as a done deal. Let me know how you are getting on.