David Torrance, author of the book about Noel Skelton that so fortuitously arrived in the post the other day, has an article in the Scottish edition of The Times (channelled here by his publisher BiteBack). He writes about the hero of his book, a man who was a Unionist, Scottish and British, a Conservative and the man who saw clearly the importance of property-owning democracy, which is the exact opposite of socialist re-distribution by the state in whatever form.
The Royal Family vs "The Crown" is Out Now
1 week ago
Perfect, thanks for the info but..what exactly is property-owning democracy?
Well, there is the link to the article and the book is out so ....
I shall be interviewing the author as soon as I have read my copy, so all will be revealed. I hope.
I see that Professor Barnes has written a brief overview of Noel Skelton here.
Various internet sources indicate that Skelton’s seminal work on ‘property-owning democracy’ was called Constructive Conservatism, a compilation of essays written for The Spectator in the early ’20s.
If the volume has contemporary merit—and from this CHJ post it seems it does—I hope someone will post it on-line for our edification.